- Example output of a conversation about the Agora I had on [[2024-03-16]]. Understanding Agora: A Distributed Social Network for Knowledge Building Here's a breakdown of Agora, the distributed social network you mentioned, formatted in Markdown with internal [[wikilinks]] for further exploration within a chosen Agora's knowledge graph: **Understanding how Agora functions:** Agora operates as a distributed, goal-oriented social network centered around a collaboratively built and maintained knowledge graph [[knowledge graph]] (https://anagora.org/knowledge+graph). This means information isn't stored on a single server, but rather across a network of user-maintained "gardens" containing personal knowledge bases. Agora integrates these gardens to create a vast, interconnected web of information. **Learning about its core principles:** * **Cooperative Knowledge Building:** Agora emphasizes collaborative knowledge creation. Users contribute their expertise and insights to the knowledge graph, enriching its depth and value. * **Distributed Network:** Information is decentralized [[decentralization]] (https://anagora.org/decentralization), preventing control by any single entity and fostering a more resilient network. This aligns with the concept of [[Web3]] (https://anagora.org/web3) (the next iteration of the World Wide Web) which emphasizes distributed ownership and control. **Exploring how users contribute to Agora:** * **Digital Gardens:** Users contribute by creating and maintaining personal knowledge bases, often referred to as "digital gardens." These gardens can encompass notes, ideas, and links, all potentially integrated into the larger Agora knowledge graph. Explore the concept of [[Digital Gardening]] (https://anagora.org/digital+gardening) further within your chosen Agora. * **Contribution Methods:** Specific methods for contributing to the knowledge graph are still under development, but likely involve utilizing personal knowledge management tools that can be integrated with Agora. Some popular knowledge management tools include [[Obsidian]] (https://anagora.org/Obsidian) and [[Roam Research]] (https://anagora.org/roam+research). **Contrasting Agora with other social networks:** * **Focus on Knowledge:** Unlike many social networks that prioritize social interaction and content sharing, Agora is explicitly designed for collaborative knowledge creation. * **Decentralized Structure:** The distributed nature of Agora stands in contrast to the centralized architecture of most social media platforms. **Footnotes:** * [[knowledge graph]]: You can explore the concept of a knowledge graph further within your chosen Agora. (https://anagora.org/knowledge+graph) * [[decentralization]]: Agora's decentralized structure aligns with broader philosophies of decentralization in technology and society. (https://anagora.org/decentralization) * [[Web3]]: Learn more about Web3 within your chosen Agora's knowledge graph. (https://anagora.org/web3) * [[Digital Gardening]]: Explore best practices for creating and maintaining a digital garden within your chosen Agora. (https://anagora.org/digital+gardening) * [[Obsidian]]: Investigate Obsidian as a potential knowledge management tool for contributing to Agora. (https://anagora.org/Obsidian) * [[Roam Research]]: Explore Roam Research as a potential knowledge management tool for contributing to Agora. (https://anagora.org/roam+research) * [[double square brackets]]: This notation is used within Agora to indicate internal links (https://anagora.org/double-square-brackets). **All Links:** * Wikilinks: https://anagora.org/wikilinks * Knowledge Graph: https://anagora.org/knowledge+graph * Decentralization: https://anagora.org/decentralization * Web3: https://anagora.org/web3 * Digital Gardening: https://anagora.org/digital+gardening * Obsidian: https://anagora.org/Obsidian * Roam Research: https://anagora.org/roam+research * Double Square Brackets: https://anagora.org/double-square-brackets